Monitoring Adult Care Homes

Monitoring Adult Care Homes

Adult care homes, commonly referred to as rest homes, family care homes, or assisted living, are homes which provide residential care for aged and disabled adults. These homes provide around-the-clock or live-in staff that prepare meals, supervise medications and provide assistance with bathing, grooming and other personal care needs.

Nurses are not required in adult care homes, although some adult care homes have nurses and certified nursing assistants on staff. Aides provide assistance with the activities of daily living such as bathing, dressing, grooming and feeding. Adult care homes are different from nursing homes in the level of care they provide and the qualifications of staff.

The NC Division of Health Service Regulation is responsible for licensing these adult care homes. Human Services is responsible for providing an adult home specialist to monitor adult care homes, assuring services are provided to the residents as set forth by NC State standards.

The adult protection, guardianship and monitoring unit provides adult home specialists, whose primary purpose is to monitor, investigate complaints and provide assistance to adult care homes.

If any problems are identified during the routine monitoring of the facility, the adult home specialist must assure that the problem is corrected.

Adult care home licensing and monitoring services include:

· Assisting the state with initial licensure process

  • Technical assistance
  • Routine monitoring
  • Complaint investigation

Adult Day Care/Health Certification And Monitoring

Human Services is responsible for all program certification activities at the local level. Such activities include certification reviews and monitoring of the day care/health program to ensure that standards are met on an ongoing basis.

The responsibilities of the Cabarrus Human Services include designating a social worker to be the adult day care coordinator responsible for consultation to service providers and all activities at the local level concerning certification, recertification reviews and supervision of the day care/health program to insure standards are being met on an ongoing basis per state law.

If problems are identified during the routine monitoring of the day care center, the adult day care coordinator is responsible to assure that the problem is corrected.

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