Sex Offender Registry

As of October 2017, there are approximately 17,800 sex offenders currently registered in NC, of which approximately 330 live in Cabarrus County at any given time (NC Sex Offender Registry)

In NC, each offender required to register must do so with the Sheriff’s Office in the county in which they reside.

In Cabarrus County, registration means the offender must appear in person at the Sheriff’s Office before the sex offender registration officer. During the initial interview the offender must provide proof of address, identification, provide all contact numbers and be fingerprinted and photographed. The offenders are advised of the laws with which they must comply. They are advised of the consequences of failing to follow the rules since they could be charged with a felony. Home addresses are checked to ensure the offender is not living within 1,000 feet of a registered daycare or school. The State of NC requires offenders to verify their address at least every six months. In addition to the state requirement, Cabarrus County verifies addresses via unscheduled home visits.

Due to local ordinances, a registered sex offender cannot be on the property of any park or recreation center that is owned or maintained by Cabarrus County, the City of Concord, the City of Kannapolis, the Town of Harrisburg, Town of Mt. Pleasant, or the Town of Midland.

The Cabarrus County Sheriff’s Office is diligent in their effort to maintain accurate records and to monitor the sex offenders residing in this county in order to better protect our most vulnerable group of citizens - our children.

If you have additional questions, contact the Sheriff’s Office at 704-920-3000.

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